安裝後,發生 Database error 1071 while doing query Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes 錯誤
After downloading, (before uploading!) search for the following line in lists/admin/structure.php
"user_blacklist_data" => array(
Find the entry for the email address which should be directly below the line above
"email" => array("varchar(255) not null unique","Email"),
and change it to this:
"email" => array("varchar(233) not null unique","Email"),
It will notice the shortened email field, therefore avoiding the error on initialization.
config.php 檔案下,修改 define ("TEST",1); 為 define ("TEST",0);
1 為測試模式
匯出可以讓EXCEL正常讀取的 csv 檔
# the mime type for the export files. You can try changing this to
# application/vnd.ms-excel to make it open automatically in excel
$export_mimetype = 'application/csv';
# if you want to use export format optimized for Excel, set this one to 1
把 ("EXPORT_EXCEL",0); 改為 1 即可
修改在 phpMyAdmin 下,中文顯示亂碼的問題
修改 lists/admin/mysql.inc
在 return $db; 前一行加入
@mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8');
管理使用者 / 匯入使用者出現空白畫面
lists/admin/info copy en folder and chane name as zh-tw,
lists/admin/help copy en folder and change name as zh-tw.
直接把資料匯入DB,不透過 CSV 檔案
直接匯入 phplist_user_user 的 email、confirned htmalemail 都設定為 1
& phplist_listuser 的 userid 為 phplist_user_user 的 id
listid 為電子報 id
設定發送Email 的速度
define('USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE',4); //分流
define('DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE',1); //發幾封信
define('DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD',20); //每隔多久,這邊是20秒
如果跑的時候出現 Database error 2006 while doing query MySQL server has gone away....
lists/admin/send_core.php'的869, 875行會看到使用了 htmlentities
在 UTF8要改為 htmlentities($subject, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
htmlentities($subject, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['charset']);